Wondering what my medications cost every month? (There's one I can't take because it costs too much.) But here's a rundown of what, how much and why I have to take it:
Name Dose Cost/month Reason
Sucralfate 1mg 3xDay $80/month Coats esophagus
Metoclopramide 10mg 3xDay $15/month Reduce acid/gagging
Zantac 150mg 2xDay $10/month Reduce acid
Probiotic tablet 1 Tab/day $12/month Promote good bacteria
Fiber Powder 1 Tbs/day $10/month Helps reduce diarrhea
Tums (mint) 4-6 tabs/day $4/month Reduce acid
Atropine injection* 1 mg as needed $50-$300/month Liquid in Lungs
* currenlty not using due to shortage and increased cost ($3.25/inject. up to 3xDay)