Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm ba-ack!! (Wasn't even my fault this time.)

Sorry all.  Momma has been under the weather for a few days and she's the one who holds the laptop for me while I type.  So we've been offline for a day or two.  (I keep telling her just to get me a nice, light iPad - WOL!)

Anyway, I'm very happy to report that I haven't vomited in over 4 days now - Woof Woof!  (cross your paws, knock on wood, etc.)  However, I'm still hacking and breathing really hard, but my next month of medicine came in the mail today.  So all in all, let's say I'm doing ok for today!!

And woof woof!!  This morning, Momma let me and Trot play outside in the snow.  We got over a FOOT of snow yesterday!  I love love love snow!!

Woof to all!