Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pretty tough night for me and Momma

At least I was able to eat dinner...but it all came tumbling out throughout the nite :(

Overnight, I continued to gag and hack and just couldn't hold down my dinner.  Momma only fed me a "half-meal", but it didn't matter.  Sometimes I just can't hold down my food no matter what.

Momma & I have been napping on and off together on the couch since midnight.  But I keep getting up, pacing around, huffing and puffing, and looking at her with my big, brown, puppy dog eyes.  Poor Momma - I know she gets so scared when I'm like this.

Well, I just woke up again and Momma gave me more medicine.  I know Momma wants me to settle down, but I'm still pacing - I'm just not very comfortable right now.

She made me skip breakfast so my tummy can settle down but boy, am I hungry!!  My tummy keeps growling and gurgling - and it can get pretty loud sometimes.  WOL!

Maybe if I were able to eat a nice, juicy pot roast, I'd be able to slumber down.  (Momma's looking at me with those eyes.  Even though I'm not feeling well, a boy can still dream, can't he? WOL!)

Anyway, I'm probably going to nap again.  Big 'nards like me do that ALOT!
For now, let's hope my tummy settles down so maybe later I can eat a small lunch.


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