Name Dose Cost/month Reason
Sucralfate 1mg 3xDay $80/month Coats esophagus
Metoclopramide 10mg 3xDay $15/month Reduce acid/gagging
Zantac 150mg 2xDay $10/month Reduce acid
Probiotic tablet 1 Tab/Day $12/month Promote good bacteria
Fiber Powder (unflav.) 1 Tbs/Day $10/month Helps reduce diarrhea
Tums (mint) 1-2 tabs as needed $4/month Reduce acid
Atropine injection* 1 mg as needed $50-$300/month Liquid in Lungs
* currenlty not using due to cost and shortage ($3.25/inject. up to 3xDay)
Syringes for medications $5/month
Current: IAM Large Breed Puppy Dry food
6 cups/day ground and mixed with water, allowed to absorb water for 6 hours
Previous menu: Pedigree ground canned food, 4 cans/day
Ensure High Protein Shake, 2-3 bottle/day
Desired menu: NutroMax Canned and Ensure shakes
Daily Routine (often shifts due to scheduling):
8:00 am: Crush Sucralfate and Metoclopramide, mix with water in syringe, squirt in mouth
9:30 am: Remove collar, invite Paws to special chair, feed, sit for 25-30 minutes
10:00 am: Replace collar, limit activity for another 30 minutes (he lounges around anyway)
11:00 am: Give 2 cups ice cubes (never plain water, ice cubes take time to melt)
12:30 pm: Give 2 cups ice cubes
2:00 pm: Crush Sucralfate and Metoclopramide, mix with water in syringe, squirt in mouth
3:30 pm: Put Paws in special chair, feed, sit for 25-30 minutes, longer if needed
5:30 pm: Give 2 cups ice cubes
7:00 pm: Give 2 cups ice cubes
8:00 pm: Crush Sucralfate and Metoclopramide, mix with water in syringe, squirt in mouth
9:30 pm: note: Mix 1 Tbs fiber, crushed Probiotic tablet and Zantac, mix into food
Put Paws in special chair, feed, sit for 25-30 minutes, longer if needed
9:45 pm: Grind 6 cups dry food in food processor, mix w/water, put in 3 containers in fridge