Monday, February 27, 2012

Such a long night...

...I kept coughing, hacking, and moaning all night.  I kept Momma up all night walking around in circles and panting really hard.  She stayed on the couch with me, but I kept getting up, walking around, and lying down again all over the living.  I just wasn't comfortable.

Finally, around 4:30am, Momma gave me a Dramamine - she hates giving me those because they make me sleepy - but it was a good thing this time.  She says I finally went to sleep a little after 6am.  But I've still been yucky all day.  (And poor Momma is really tired too.)

I only got to eat half of my normal amount today so far, just to keep a little in my tummy, but at least I'm not vomiting.  I just hack a lot.  But right now, I'm going back to the couch to take another nap.  Gotta catch up on my Zzzz's.
