Monday, March 19, 2012

My boys are tuckered!! (Momma writing)

Well, let me tell you...I have 2 very tired puppies (they'll always be my puppies, no matter how big they are).

Today, I took them for a car ride and then stopped in nearby woody fields to let them play a little bit.  They LOVED it!!  So much so that Paws is snoring away louder than the trains that roll by in the middle of the night.  So he's unable to blog right now since he's sleeping like a log.  (WOL!)

After we came home, I sealed the deal with a nice, full, mushy, (non-pot roast) meal for Paws and some good ol' crunchy food for Trot.  Add a big meal to lots of play, sun and nice weather and it all adds up to a nice, long nap!

What good boys Momma has.  I love my Paws and Trot.

As MegaPaws always says...Woof!