Thursday, March 8, 2012

Oh what a long night it has been...and is going to be...and it is not even midnight yet.

My tummy is pretty empty now because I've been throwing up my "half"-lunch all night. Momma didn't even bother feeding me any dinner. And now I'm just dry heaving since there's nothing left in my tummy.

After 4 hours of pacing, Momma somehow just got me to lay down on the couch. Finally.

I'm still moaning, belching, and hacking and my stomach is still making crazy noises. But maybe I'll be able to settle down enough so we can at least take a nap.

Well...just as I wrote that, I went into another dry heaving fit.

Just cross your paws and wish good thoughts. I'd really like to eat a good meal tomorrow. But first, I really need to get a settled tummy.


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