Sunday, March 18, 2012

Breakfast went ok and it is 70 degrees outside!

I ate breakfast this morning without much to say.  I'm having a slight problem holding it down but Momma put me back in my special chair for another 15 minutes.  Now I'm heading for a nap.

It's also 70 degrees already.  What weird weather for March 18 - don't forget - we live in Maine - so it's probably even more bizarre.  Momma opened the windows and now I can hear the other dogs outside.

Even though I'm not outside, we still "talk".  And boy, Momma does not like it when Trot and I bark inside the house.  She says we're too loud.  Hmpf!  And I was thinking we weren't loud enough since none of the other dogs actually come over to play when we call them.  WOL!

Well, my big task for the day is to let my food settle, nap, and then enjoy bugging Momma with our barking.  WOL!

Momma's task is to order more food - again.  And this time, she needs to order medicine too.  Get on it Momma!  Mush!!  WOL WOL!

Have a beautiful day my non-furball friends!!
