Friday, March 23, 2012

Not out of the water yet, but a "little" better day (knock on wood)

I just woke up from a tiny post-dinner nap and thought I'd write before I cuddle on the couch with Momma. (Trot has been hogging it the whole time since we settled down after dinner.)

My really hard breathing and panting is much better.  (Remember - Panting for me is an extra challenge because my esophagus presses against my lungs.)  But Momma says it's definitely related to the heat.  So that's good news for now, as this week will be much cooler.

Not-so-good-news is that I'm having a hard time holding down dinner - another half-portion.  I sat in my special chair like I'm supposed to - then I took a nap - and now I'm up pacing and belching again.  Momma can hear my stomach and esophagus gurgling and making lots of noise.  She says sounds like a pipe clogged with thick sludge that gurgles trying to break clear.  Ick, I know.

I cough the food back up, but right now, I'm actually able to catch it in my mouth before I actually spit it out (progress, believe it or not) - then I just swallow it again.  Yes, yes...ewww, for you "non-dog" folk, but tis-is-what-it-is.  And it IS a tiny bit of good news, in my case.  Hopefully, I'll just get better and better as the days go on and soon I'll have less gurgling, coughing and spitting up (until next time, of course - tis-what-it-is).

Right now, Momma is watching our favorite movie as promised - Beethoven - but Trot & I are zonked so we're napping right through it.  Every now and then, Trot looks up and starts to whine when he hears the other dogs.  WOL!   Me?  I'm just napping, pacing, gurgling, belching, and coughing up...napping, pacing, gurgling, belching, and coughing up...napping, pacing, gurgling, belching, and coughing up.  Oh, you get the idea.

So, it's back to napping - since I just finished pacing, gurgling, belching, and coughing up.
All in all - I still say today was a little better.
Now to the's my turn!!


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