Saturday, March 24, 2012

Better day today - Woof Woof!

I finished eating a full dinner, sat in my special chair, napped on the couch next to Momma, got up to go potty for the night, and am now crawling back into bed for the night.

No pacing.  No gurgles.  No coughing or hacking.  No spitting up.  Nothing - for the entire day.
I would say this latest "episode" is over for now.  Woof!

Now Momma, Trot, the kitties and myself are going to sleep for the night.  Hopefully, Momma can finally get a good night's rest as it's been a pretty long week for all of us.

Maybe she'll make me some pot roast tomorrow!!
OK - a dog can always dream!  WOL!  Nite Nite!


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