Thursday, March 8, 2012

No meals today :(

I do not like when Momma does this, but she's not letting me eat today so my system can settle down. This happens every few weeks when I have a flare-up.

I only get medicine. Yuck. I hate when she sticks that syringe in my mouth.

On another note, once she got me to sleep by cuddling with me on my doggie bed, I let Momma sleep almost 2 hours sometime after midnight. When she woke up around 3:00am, she moved from my bed to her bed - which is in the living room, so she's always near me - and she napped even more here and there between more of my heaving fits. And so did I!!

We were still awake more than we slept, but dognaps are good too. (Momma says she spreads her love and calls her's 'catnaps' to honor the feline furballs in the house. She says cats have mastered the napping technique so we should give credit where it's due. But I disagree. Hasn't she heard me snore?)

Anyway, it was a very long night again but hopefully my tummy can settle down today so tonight won't be so bad.

woof. (only a small one for now)

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