Saturday, March 24, 2012

Momma plays the bass drum - and it works!

Last night, Momma played me like the bass drum three times during the night.  She does this because my chest gurgles as food just sits in my esophagus and doesn't go down making it easier to spit back up - and get into my lungs.  So she "bangs" on my chest like a bass drum - ok, it's really heavy tapping, sorta like burping an oversized baby - WOL!  But it really makes a difference sometimes.  And last DID!

By 3am, I wasn't gurgling anymore, nor was I coughing or regurgitating anything.  BIG Barks!! And from 4-7am, I actually stayed on the couch without getting up to pace - or at least that what Momma thinks, since she went to sleep too.  (I'm not telling her whether or not I actually got up again.  All she needs to know is that she found me where she left me.)

This morning, for my breakfast, Momma only gave me a half-portion at first, but I was soooo hungry so she gave me the other half.  It might come back (pun intended) to bite her in the behind, but she gave it a shot.  And YUM!  Let's see what happens!

Today is going to be a big slumbering, movie day.  Momma needs to rest (long week and sometimes Momma simply does not feel well herself - hence all of her doctor appts and having to leave us in the kennel).  So we're going to set up camp on the couch, eat popcorn (just Momma, of course) and watch movies all day.

Hopefully, no more bass drum.  No more pacing.  No more gurgling.  Cross your paws!!


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