Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not doing well right now...

Momma thinks it might be due to the hot weather that came so fast and didn't give me a chance to adjust.  Yesterday and today had highs in the 80s - and I'm still wearing my winter coat!   :(   I usually don't change into my summer clothes until sometime in May, sometimes June.

I'm just panting and breathing so hard, which makes me cough and gag, and then my food comes back up.  And when my food comes back up, liquid (and pieces of food too) can get swooped up into my lungs and cause Aspiration Pneumonia - which is really scary and is Momma's biggest worry - so she even tries to stay awake as much as she can at night to listen and make sure I'm breathing ok.  She only "cat-naps".  WOL!

Last night, to try to cool me down, Momma hunted down the fan and set it right on me.  Then, she used some ice packs to rub all over and cool me off too.  Aahhh...I really like that cool touch.  WOL!  But then today was hot again.  Yuck!

So tonight, she did the same thing again - Aahhh.  But I'm still panting.  I just need the cool weather again, which is coming back next week.  Momma says we'll have 40s and 50s again.  That's my type of weather.

Right now, Momma is keeping an ear on my lungs as much as she can because we don't have the medication I need if I start gurgling deep in the lungs.  (That's the med that is on nationwide shortage - so it's really hard to find, and when you do, it's really expensive.  Even for humans too.)   The medication helps to get rid of the extra liquid that is stuck.  So without it, she tries to do "percussion therapy" and bangs on my chest like a bass drum so I can try to cough it back up and spit it out.  Really not my idea of a good drum solo.

For now, Momma just fed me dinner, but I wasn't even in the mood to eat it all.  That's when Momma really knows I'm not feeling too well, 'cuz usually, everything just reminds me of pot roast, and who doesn't want to eat pot roast?!?!  But just not tonight.

And Momma knows I didn't hold down lunch either because when she came home from her appt, I had been sick all over our kennel.  And I really only ate a "snack" portion for lunch too.

Oh let's just hope tomorrow starts to bring better, cooler weather.  For now, as soon as I'm done sitting in my special chair, I'm going to lie down in front of that nice breezy fan and try to get back to dreamtime.


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