Sunday, April 1, 2012

To all my furpals and friends...

I'm writing to say that Momma and I need to take another week off.  I am really having another bad episode, since Thursday - which is when I also saw the vet who thinks I might have a slipped disc in my neck - so now I have meds for that as well.

Right now, I'm not eating and will not keep anything down - not even my medicine.  Momma also sees "streaks" of blood in my regurgitation - so tomorrow has another trip to vet on my schedule.

Momma says "streaks" are better than clots or pools.  Streaks usually mean that my esophagus is irritated.  But any blood still just isn't good.  We'll see what the vet says - I'm sure more antibiotics are in store.

Now I'm not supposed to tell you this, but Momma has been in and out of the ER all week, so she's a bit out of commission too and we are really not doing well on the computer this week.  Give us another few days and I'll bet I'll be back to my doggy-blogging in no time.

But I just wanted to give a big WOOF to all of my friends and especially my Twitter followers, RTers, DMs and Mentions for right now.  And REALLY big WOOFs to my friends who have sent donations too!  Your love is much appreciated and Momma and I will thank everyone personally when we get back online.

Big Puppy Love to you all!
We'll be back soon.
(Right now, I actually have to go cuddle Momma - she needs a great big wet, doggy kiss!!)



  1. Hi Megapaws - my name is Stewey and I just came across your blog. I'm a corgi who has a blog too. Your story touched my heart, because one of my predecessors had MegaEsophagus. My mom and I have you and your mom in our prayers.

    1. I didn't even realize I had comments enabled. Sorry Stewey. Nice to meet you!! Woof! Sorry to hear about your relative. It IS a big bummer of an illness, but we're trying to make it through as best we can. I'm gonna follow your blog too!! Nice to have doggy-bloggy furpals!! Big love & Woofs!
